Insider Threat Program Development


Even now, the sands of time are littered with those who thought it couldn't happen to them, that they didn't need the protection, that no one was interested in their small concern.  There are deep organizational and cognitive biases that lead managers to downplay the threats insiders pose.  Key to survival of any organization is an comprehensive and accurate assessment of the risks that imperil its own existence coupled with strategies to lower or mitigate those risks. 


Building an Insider Threat Detection Program, often referred to as an Insider Threat Program or ITP, is not easy.  It is more than just a paperwork exercise reinforced by a few more controls on your computer network.  Much more.  Done properly, however, it will help protect your data, personnel and processes from theft or exposure in ways that other countermeasures are simply not designed to do. 


19309 Winmeade Drive #325, Lansdowne, VA 20176
(914) 200-3734